Weather Call:

Games ON for September 26th!
You can see the full weather page here.

Weather Calls

Mon - Fri: Posted by 4:30pm

Sat - Sun: Posted by 11:30am

Please do not call or email prior to the times listed above on game day. For more information, view our Full Weather Policy.

Once the weather call has been made, it's expected that all teams will follow the scenarios outlined in the Weather Policy. The weather call will not be amended once the initial call has been made.

Beach Volleyball Games on


Games on

New Brighton

Games on

Tom Brook

Games on

If the City of Calgary (COC) closes fields, CSSC games are automatically cancelled. If fields are closed, this page will be updated accordingly. The COC field status is NOT the CSSC game day status. For instance, on days when the COC leaves fields open, the CSSC may still cancel games due to inclement weather. 

*It should be noted that even if a Premium Field posts "Open" at 4:00 pm, they can close the park at anytime in the evening after players have arrived, due to inclement weather. In this case; players are not to play at the fields, and the CSSC will attempt to re-schedule the game at a later date.

Ed Corbett/Renfrew

Games on


Games on


Games on

If fields are closed, this page will be updated accordingly. The field status is NOT the CSSC game day status. For instance, on days when the City of Calgary leaves fields open, the CSSC may still cancel games due to inclement weather. 

*It should be noted that even if an Athletic Park posts "Open" at 4:00 pm, they can close the park at anytime in the evening after players have arrived, due to inclement weather. In this case; players are not to play at the diamonds, and the CSSC will attempt to re-schedule the game at a later date.

Tennis Games on
